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Learn to bake and preparing dessert the easy way with step by step baking videos, photos and complete recipes on how to prepare them. If you still have doubts on how to get the result you wanted, just email on anything you wish to know and I will try to answer them for you. The recipes provided here are from my recipe book and has been suited for a more moderate way of trying out new recipes at home rather than the complex way of doing it in hotels with high tech equipments and utensils and I believe everyone can bake using the methods in this website. Have a great time in the kitchen and remember, safety comes first before hunger. Come back soon for more recipes or e-mail me at eternalbaking(@) for any general enquiries or help regarding baking.

Mise En Place

In this section we will learn to prepare all the necessary items which we need prior to preparing an actual recipes. It may be fillings, dough or whatever that is needed to complete or compliment an existing recipe. Mise En Place literally means 'putting in place' in French.
     Everyday in school during cooking class sessions, we are required to scale and portion out each and every ingredients prior to the actual cooking. Everything must be neatly placed on the table first. In culinary, mise en place could also means items which are prepared to supplement or further enhance the taste of the actual dish we are about to bake. Sometimes to bake a tart for example, we may need to prepare sugar doughs, fillings, frostings and decorations before we may even begin to start baking. It may seems like there is a lot of work to be done to produce a single item but that is exactly what culinary is all about. I mean, a slice of apple pie without a serving of vanilla brandy sauce would just be a pie. 
     Cooking class students in the foundation levels are required to learn all the basic recipes necesary to complement the more advance dishes they will be preparing in the advanced levels. The best thing about working in a culinary workplace is that we are never short of new ideas to create a new sensation daily. This pre preparation of baking essentials are necessary to bake something more than just food to satisfy your hunger, but rather creating a masterpiece to satisfy your soul. The students in my cooking class knew this and that is why they pay special attention to learn as much as possible about this section to complement their food knowledge. Besides a faster prep means a faster baking time which means you will get to enjoy your creation faster.

Almond Cream
Butter Cream, Italian
Caramel Sugar

Decorative Lining Sponge
Lady Finger
Lining Tart Mould
Pastry / Custard Cream
Sugar Dough
Sugar Flower
Vanilla Sauce (Creme Anglaise)

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